Saturday, January 10, 2009

Resolutions and Revolutions

Jan 10, 2009

Wow. First blog. So, what to write about? It's just 10 days after the New Year...resolutions?

1. Lose weight. Ha ha. We all say that. Every year. But this year I resolve to lose at least 15 pounds. 120 would make me happy. I'm not fat, but I know I'm getting to the age where I have to start watching out. Of course, watching out would have meant NOT eating the 3 macaroons before dinner and the 5 chocolate chip cookies after dinner...or the half roll of Sweet Tarts somewhere in between that whole sugar bacchanal....

2. Get Rich... Yeah, I'm shallow...but not unrealistic...I know in today's economy you have to have cash to make things work. I don't want to just get by. I don't want to be 40 and still living in an apartmen...and I sure as hell don't want to be driving my Honda this time next year. Oh come on, how long can I tell myself that rust and black constitute "technically" as a two toned paint job?

3. Get Famous. Yes, I want people to know who I am...

4. Stop lying to myself. That's the big one. I'm tired of telling everyone what they want to hear and doing what I think they want me to do...because 99% of the time it's the TOTAL OPPOSITE of what I WANT TO DO!
I'm almost 30 (if you believe me when I tell you I was born in 1980) and it's time to start acting like an adult and making adult decisions for ME!

5. Find someone to love me...that I want to love back. we go. This is just the first blog in what I hope will actually be an ongoing thing for me... It's not all about sex, drugs and rock and roll...there's going to be some Mister Pippers stuff in here too!